“Walk the Walk” for Lost Pets

Who will YOU walk for?

Generation Wags is working to help owners of lost pets
raise visibility in their community!

We know how difficult it is for a pet owner to get the word out when their pet goes missing!

In addition to the many immediate steps that should be taken, we believe that there’s an additional opportunity especially for those pets that have been missing for an extended period of time and need added exposure.

That’s why we’ve created “Walk the Walk” for lost pets!

In communities around the country countless pet walks are held.  These walks provide a perfect environment of community members and pet lovers to learn about your lost pet search!

If you or someone you know is searching for a lost pet:

  • find a pet walk in your area
  • create a team like “Help Find Spanky”  
  • get others to join your team and either send them a flyer to pin to their t-shirt to wear at the walk, or create and invite them to order customized tshirts to wear (and raise funds for you at the same time)
  • sign up and attend the walk (send us pics too!) and engage community members there in conversation too about your missing pet : )
If you are searching for a lost pet, this campaign is a great way to
reach out to others in your community to help you raise awareness!

Walk the Walk new large

We are reaching out to partner with walks to add other elements to promote missing pet info, pet safety to prevent more missing pets, and steps those with missing pets can take to be reunited should they go missing.  Learn more about resources for posting lost pets too on this page we’ve created and will be adding to as well!

On our Pawcentric Events page you will find many walks we know about and will be reaching out to!   Let us know of other walks you know of, or help us reach out to these walks and let them know about our program!

Once you sign up for a walk and create a team for your missing pet email us to let us know to generationwags@gmail.com.

Consider creating your t-shirt for team members (or just friends and family) to wear to raise FUNDS and awareness.

Here are some sites to help you create t-shirts!


At the same time, we’re contacting local walks to sign up for our Grow Your Walk effort to create a win-win!

We hope to grow their walk by inspiring teams of walkers who want to “walk the walk” for a lost pet (current or past).  By doing so they will raise funds for the hosting organization while raising awareness for their lost pet … or, if you had a lost pet in the past you’d like to Walk for to keep their memory alive!


This is a grass WOOF effort!   We encourage you to let those searching for their lost pets to know about our initiative and encourage them to sign up for a walk with their lost pet as their team name!

Attach flyers to your t-shirts.  Have t-shirts made sharing the lost dog and cat’s pic!  Bring flyers and engage in conversation with those attending the walk.  Or plan a special LOST PET WALK in your area and let us know!

At the same time, Generation Wags will post info here about Walks that have agreed to partner with our effort.  If you have a lost pet or simply support our effort, please share the link provided with local pet walks and ask them to contact us to get involved. We will reach out to Walks to partner and when we do, will post them here! So help us help owners of missing pets gain this new way to gain exposure for their pet while enjoying team camaraderie and raising funds for a local organization.

Generation Wags will not only reach out for these Walks to gain teams, we will work the events to include others ways to provide missing pets exposure.  And, we will provide team info on our site to promote missing pet participants.

Let us know if you are with us! Your info will help us target communities to reach out to where there is interest.

Interested in creating your own Lost Pet Walk?
Email us at generationwags@gmail.com with Walk the Walk in the subject line


Here is our invitation to any rescue organization!

We hope you will share the link below with anyone you know
involved with a pet walk in your community!

Share this Link!


Visit our page on Lost Pets, plus  learn about our

LOVE TAG CHIP Challenge to give all pets the best chance possible

of being reunited should they go missing.