Take this kiss upon the brow…

facetofaceFinally, my very own dog. I couldn’t believe Edgar Allan was really my very own dog to love forever.  That truly was quite a magnificent feeling.  Having fostered Louisa and Seth, I had always kept my emotions a bit guarded.  I never allowed myself to completely get attached to either one of them.  I loved them with all my heart, but never allowed myself to call them “my dog”. Edgar Allan is my dog. My heart!

sleepyboyWith Edgar Allan being my forever dog, it came with many more financial responsibilities than my foster dogs.  When fostering an animal, many rescues and shelters will take care of medical expenses and others needs of the animal. Upon arriving home, I noticed that Edgar Allan was not feeling well.  A very runny nose and coughing lead me to believe that he had kennel cough.  Kennel cough is a highly contagious (among dogs) upper respiratory infection. Within a day I took Edgar Allan to the MDSCPA Wellness Clinic. Although he had received his vaccinations, they aren’t useful if a dog has already caught the virus. After confirming that he did have kennel cough, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the MDSPCA covers all appointments and medicine for animals with upper respiratory infections upon adoption from the MDSPCA. What a relief.

In addition to not feeling well, within the first few days of Edgar Allan arriving home he broke out of his wire crate while I was working. I walked in my house to find his crate bent up and Edgar not in it. My stomach turned thinking of what damage he could have done to himself while escaping. Much to my relief, he was perfectly fine.  He just wanted to spend the day sleeping on my bed with Poe and leaving little “gifts” all around the house. I decided at that point, for his own safety, that I would begin baby gating him in my living room while I was at work. I also spoke with his vet.  They recommended I try using a special collar that releases calming pheromone constantly. I was willing to try anything that would help him to be less anxious. I purchased the collar that day and put it on him.


When I arrived home after work the next day, I noticed little bumps on Edgar Allan’s head and neck! Welts! The new collar was causing some sort of allergic reaction.  This pup just couldn’t get a break. We rushed to the emergency vet.  At this point, one of his eyes was swelling shut. He still was a happy pup.  I was told to give him Benadryl, although my gut told me that would not be strong enough.  Go with your gut people! Within the 15 minute drive home and 45 minutes after taking medicine, Edgar Allan’s face was even more swollen. Back to the vet we went. One injection and 20 minutes later he was looking back to normal.

close upI was so thankful and relieved that Edgar Allan was okay. One week to the day of his Gotcha Day and our first emergency vet visit. Things just got very real. Edgar Allan was really mine and not a foster dog. Our first “big” vet bill. I made sure to sign Edgar Allan up for pet insurance as soon as possible. I highly recommend pet insurance. Truth be told I would spend any amount of money to ensure he is happy and healthy. Edgar Allan, my heart.

Until next time, paw prints and tail wags from Edgar Allan and Poe ? 




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