What is your role as a pet parent to reduce the potential of your pet from falling into the rescue system?
What are the issues that contribute to the overwhelming number of homeless pets
over-crowding shelters and filling foster homes?
Generation Wags is here to help you learn more!
Your Pet’s Future … depends on you.
Did you know that many homeless pets entered the rescue system due to situations that occurred in their previous homes?
Click below to start learning!
Your Role as a Pet Parent – Get PetUcated!

art by J Chen
Understand, Socialize and Train
Be Your Cat’s Meow
Special Conditions, Special Care
Pet Health
Pets and Kids in Harmony
Canine Good Citizen Test for Dogs
Rescue Crisis Issues
Most people don’t fully realize the major issues contributing to pet homelessness, neglect, exploitation and abuse. That’s why we’ve tried to provide some insight about the issues to help provide a broader knowledge base.
If you could help make a difference would you?
Below are major issues that are being addressed by countless workers and volunteers, but more help is needed … your help and that of your family and neighbors. We encourage you to explore these issues and share with others, and think about which one you might be interested in getting involved with on some level to address! The issues start and end with us … the human factor … and what we do about them.
As you learn about the issues and organizations tackling the issues, you may find that there are some philosophical differences within the rescue community. The problems are HUGE, and how to tackle them. Generation Wags is providing a diversity of initiatives so that YOU can learn the full spectrum.
View the page specific to each issue below to learn more.
Animal Abuse and Cruelty
Breed Discrimination
Through the years different breeds of dogs have become the focus of The latest, in fact, is not in fact a “breed” … the pit bull.
This discrimination is over-reactive and is resulting in eviction of owners and mass surrenders of pets to shelters creating a flood of pets to place or to euthanize. Learn about how breed discrimination doesn’t work and who’s working on this topic.
Chaining and Tethering
So many dogs live their life at the end of a chain or rope.
Oftentimes it is purely due to the lack of education or the means of the owner to provide them a life that is free of chaining or tethering.
Learn more about these challenges and those working to address these topics.
Gas Chamber Use as Form for Euthanasia
Hard to believe but there are shelters killing animals via gas chambers vs. being euthanized in a more humane method. View this article about euthanization methods by State.
Others used for lab testing know no other life.
Learn more about groups working to give them a “life after lab” like the Beagle Freedom Project.
Laboratory Animal Testing
Lost & Found Pets
If an emergency occurred and you were separated from your pet what are the chances you could be reunited?
Could you tell the difference between a stray or a lost pet that their pet owner is fervently looking to find?
Every day pets go missing. You’d be surprised by just how many. Just look for a lost pet Facebook page, craigslist, or shelter with stray pets to get an idea of the vast numbers. Lost pets could be missing hours, days, months, or even years. They could be in the community where they went missing or hundreds of miles away.
Find out steps to take to keep your own pet as safe as possible and how you can be a valued member of the community to be on the lookout of a lost pet.
Owner Surrenders
Puppy Mills
When it comes to purchasing a puppy the adage of “Let the Buyer Beware” should prevail.
If you are purchasing a pup at a pet store or online you may be purchasing a dog that is the offspring of a puppy mill.
In fact there are puppies including pure bred ones available through rescue! If you still prefer to purchase learn how to distinguish a responsible breeder.
Strays and Hoarding
Strays may be the result of unwanted litters, abandoned pets, or lost pets.
At the other extreme are pets that have become an obsession … an addiction.
Pet lovers who take it too far and continue to add more pets to their home and result in a hoarding situation. The result is equally tragic.
Spay, Neuter & TNR
A challenge that we have included as a Solution!
Spay & Neuter of pets and Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) of feral cats in communities across the land are a major key to ending the number of unwanted companion animals!
Yet many either don’t understand the need, don’t have the funds, or simply refuse to take these steps. The result is a huge overabundance of animals requiring our communities to spend major dollars and human effort to deal with them.