Generation Wags … Your Catalyst For Change

Whether you currently own a pet or simply have a passion for them Generation Wags welcomes you!

If you could help reduce the staggering numbers of pets in our shelters and rescue system would you?  What if you could PREVENT many from happening in the first place?

Consider us your “soup to nuts” resource to understand the connection between pet parenting and preventing homeless pets and a place to explore issues and share actions YOU can take to create pawsitive change.

Whether you’re looking for the basics of finding a pet, or how to enhance your relationship we have resources for you. Plus, we can provide you with insight as to how what you know about pet can help do all you can to make sure they flourish not fail.

We invite you to check out the topics and resources we’ve curated here as a clearinghouse to assist as you as you embark on a journey to assist in creating a new generation for rescues.

Positive Pet Parenting = Reducing Rescues

We’ve got lots for you to explore.  Visit often and share with others.

After all, “You Can’t Fix What You Don’t Know”

Join our journey to creating the next generation for rescues … Generation Wags!

Preventing the flow STARTS with spaying and neutering your pets (check this great link for important info!, and promoting rescue over purchasing from breeders.  Those two things alone will make a huge difference!

Beyond that are some many factors related to pet parenting situations that can land a pet in the rescue system.


Could YOUR pet be at risk of entering the rescue system?

How can you assist your community to REDUCE the throngs of homeless pets entering your local shelters or rescues? It can be done, and helping you to understand HOW is central to our mission.

Learn how YOU can be part of the equation, for your OWN pet or by advocating for others.

Now more than ever, pet food banks and pet pantries are greatly needed.  Check out the ones we have learned about!

Lost Pets is a huge contributing factor to the rescue community.

Learn more!

Check out our new Watch, Listen, Learn page as we start to serve up links we love that provide FREE advice, support, and training information for pet owners.

Photo courtesy of Brian George as pictured with his beloved Abbey.

The Bond

This image is so poetic in a number of ways.  We saw it first on a fb post and it touched our heart, not only for the picture, but the accompanying message spoke to hoping the dog knew how much she means to her dad.  We reached out to learn more about their story, knowing that dad is not only a loving dog owner, but works in a city shelter helping so many homeless pets every day.  He told us: “Abbey is a 10 1/2 year old that I adopted from the animal shelter where i have worked for 11 years. She’s been with me for 9 1/2 years and has been a very valued companion.  I want people to value dogs more.  And, if they see a dog who needs help, to help if they can.  I’m an animal welfare advocate teacher/trainer and help dogs in need in the community.”

Every animal deserves the love that Abbey receives and is shared with dog dad Brian.   Whether it’s a pit bull type dog (that tragically is the source of so much discrimination), or any other mixed or purebred dog, or type of cat, WE must be responsible to provide the care, training, and love they deserve.

This site is on a quest to help educate animal lovers and pet owners alike about the issues, and tools/initiatives towards achieving that goal.

Generation Wags BLOG

Now all our blogs are altogether … check out Generation Wags Blog!

CHECK OUT THIS POST that exemplifies our “Live It” tagline.  Read about Anthony and his disabled dog Samed.

Our sidebar includes past blog posts, and categories we’ve written about to educate and motivate!

Rascal’s Corner‘s posts by “Dr. G” provides an archive of informative information.

Her posts provide helpful medical perspectives, along with a range of pet owner and even rescue related content.  

Dr. G’s Ohio based mobile clinics, and brick and mortar animal hospital, augment her extremely active role in the community to help provide and address low cost pet ownership solutions.